iFrame [EN] | Web Integration

How it works

Here you can find our Tool for iFrame embeds.

With the iFrame integration, parameters are given in the URL of the “src” tag. These parameters can be used to set customized settings for the tour.
If a parameter is not specified, a standard value is used, which is different in each tour.
The URL parameters are case-sensitive!
Example: https://bregenzsommer.360ty.cloud/?Pano=node15&PanoFovStart=18&PanoTiltStart=-13&PanoPanStart=53&PanoPanTarget=-8&PanoTiltTarget=-13&PanoFovTarget=52&MoveSpeed=2.5&MoveDelay=1500&MoveLock=Mousewheel
After the URI (here "https://bregenzsommer.360ty.cloud/”) follows a “?”. After the "?" the parameters are read. Then the parameters can be used. The parameters are divided by an “&” and the values ​​are assigned with an “=”.

URL Parameter


Pano=node[nummer] -> set start-node
PanoFovTarget=[number(0 – 100 in °)] -> FOV value of the start node or target FOV position of the fly-in movement
PanoTiltTarget = [number(-90 - 90 in °)] -> Tilt value of the start node or vertical target position of the fly-in movement
PanoPanTarget=[number(-360 – 360 in °)] -> Pan value of the start node or horizontal target position of the fly-in movement


AutoMove -> Activates the movement / fly-in
PanoFovStart=[number(0 – 100 in °)] -> FOV value of the start position of the Fly-in
PanoTiltStart=[number(-90 – 90 in °)] -> Tilt value of the target position of the fly-in
PanoPanStart=[number(-360 – 360 in °)] -> Pan value of the target position of the fly-in
MoveLock=[All,Mousewheel,Mouse,Keyboard,Keyboard_Mousewheel] -> prevents interactions with the tour during the fly-in motion, by the specified type
MoveDelay=[number in ms] -> starts the fly-in according to the specified value in milliseconds. Default 500
MoveSpeed=[number] -> multiplies the standard speed with the specified value


SingleImage -> hides hotspots


<iframe src=`https://bregenzsommer.360ty.cloud/?Pano=node15
        style = “height: 40vh; width: 100%”>