Wingame Creator [EN]

Tutorial Video


You have to be logged in to save projects. The following registration options are available:

  • Google (all Google accounts, e.g .: YouTube, Google+)
  • Facebook
  • Microsoft(all Microsoft accounts, e.g .: office365, Skype, x-box)


A project is basically a single wingame. Several projects can be created, and thus also different wingames. Projects can be created using the “create project” button

choose Tour & Node

To select the tour you want, the tour's basepath must be entered in the “basepath” field. To change the node, either the “Node” field can be filled in with a node number, or the node can simply be changed in the tour.


Lists are there to create various “branches” in the wingame. E.g. you can use it to create different levels of difficulty and provide different prices if all objects (hotspots) in a list are found. A new list can be created in the active project using the “Add new List” button.

The “link” field of a list is the link to which the button created should refer as soon as all objects have been found


The “label” field of a list is the text that should appear in front of the counter of the found objects

Button Text

The “Button Text” field of a list is the text that should appear in the button when all objects have been found


Hotspots are the objects that are hidden. You can jump to the position of the hotspot using the “Jump to Hotspot” button. The hotspot can be deleted from the list with the trash can icon. How these are created is explained below.

Get Code

With the “Get Code” button the code to be inserted is displayed. The code is just an add-on to an integrated tour (which is not integrated via iFrame!)

Save Project

If the user is logged in, the selected project is saved to the database with the “Save Project” button so that the Wingame is not lost when the page is closed

Upload Image

In order to upload an image, a project must first be created. If the user is logged in, the image is saved in the database.
An image can be uploaded via a URL by inserting the link in the “Add from URL” field and then clicking the “Add” button.
An image can also be selected from the local explorer using the "Select file" button, and clicking the "Upload!" button afterwards.

create Hotspot/Object

To create a hotspot, an uploaded image must be dragged and dropped into the tour. The Image can then be scaled an moved and is created by clicking the green tick. The hotspot is added to the active / selected list and can be deleted again in the “Hotspots” field. The hotspot now appears as part of the tour.

change Hotspot/Object position

To change the position of a hotspot, simply click on the hotspot in the tour. Then the hotspot can be scaled and moved again, and placed in the new position with the green tick.

Embedding the Wingame

The code generated by the “Get Code” button is only an add-on for an already integrated tour (not integrated via iFrame!). More about the integration here